What do Environmental Managers do?

Learn QHSE / Environmental Management / Environmental Manager

What does an Environmental Manager do?

An Environmental Manager is responsible for administering the environmental management system, including the creation, implementation and monitoring of its component parts.

They are also tasked with overseeing the environmental performance of the organisation including pollution control, environmental health and any other related environmental targets or compliance obligations that the organisation is required, or has chosen to meet.

Key responsibilities may also include –

  • Liaising with/reporting to Top Management
  • Producing environmental reports on behalf of the organisation
  • Establishing organisational targets with regards to the environment
  • Maintaining an awareness of national and international legislation and regulations
  • Providing education to staff
  • Liaising with public bodies and local authorities on behalf of the organisation
  • Being the point of contact for applications/submissions seeking permits/consents that will have an environmental impact

Note – This role and associated responsibilities may vary between organisations, depending on how the organisation is structured and delegated authorities are established (this will be detailed in the EMS)


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