
Learn QHSE / Quality Management / What is training

What is Training?

Training is the action of informing or instructing your employees on a certain task in order to help them improve their performance or knowledge.  If people are to perform their job to the highest possible standard, they must be effectively and efficiently trained.

Effective training will mean the activities have achieved the specific outcomes required. In addition, your workers need to gain or maintain the skills and knowledge they need to perform their work, direct others to perform work and to supervise work. Lack of training can be attributed to one of the reasons of real quality problems.

Effective training should be cost efficient, while also ensuring that time and money is a good investment. 

4 Stages of Training


  1. Pre-employment Training

    This is when your new employee has already has some previous education or training . This training has happened prior to your new employee being hired.

    Although this level of training indicates that previous education may be beneficial, this will often not be directly related to the job at hand.  Therefore, educational certificates and qualifications should only be used as an initial indicator as to what skills and knowledge an individual already has, but your will need to be delved into a lot deeper.

  2. Induction Training

    This is also known as orientation. This is a formal way to induct the new employee into your organisation. It introduces them to be members of your teams. 

    Induction training will generally occur right upon the new employee commencing their new role.  This stage of training can range from one day to several weeks depending on the nature of the job. It is arguably one of the most important stages, as this is the time frame that new employees will form impressions on the company and decide if they want to stay with your organisation.

    This stage of training may involve the use of a schedule or checklist. It is highly beneficial to invest time or money into this stage of training, as the new employees will be more motivated, feel like they are of value to your organisation and hopefully make fewer mistakes when on the job.

  3. In-Service Training

    This will occur throughout the period of employment. It is particularly important when the processes or products change.

  4. Career Development Training

    This is similar to in-service training> It is most related to employees being able to be promoted or expanding their knowledge and understanding of the job at hand. 

    This type of training will not relate to all employees, as some people are happy to keep working in the role they started in. It is for the employees that have a drive to better themselves, further training would be appreciated by them. 

    This will also help with the employee feeling like they company wants them to do good, as they will be receiving the resources needed to improve.


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